18 Sep

One of the most common and prevalent conditions in women, especially postpartum and postmenopausal, is uterine prolapse. The uterus goes into the vagina or even falls out when the muscles and ligaments that hold it in place loosen. While it may result in discomfort, urinary difficulties, and decreased quality of life overall, the bright side is that various effective uterine prolapse treatment options exist for uterine prolapse to improve the patient's discomfort level or even remedy the issue. 

Non-Surgical Uterine Prolapse Treatment Options 

For women whose prolapse condition is classed as mild to moderate, non-surgical uterine prolapse treatments typically represent the first step. These are relatively less invasive and can bring ease to the patient with considerable effectiveness rather than surgical intervention. 

Pelvic floor exercises: 

Pelvic floor practices actuate the pelvic floor muscles, which support the uterus and simplify the inconvenience related to prolapse. Followed consistently, such activities convey and separate between differing levels of progress in both muscle strength and help from uneasiness as well as counteraction from disturbance of the condition. 

Pessary use: 

Pessary is a little contraption put inside the vagina to assist with supporting the uterus. This can be prudent for a lady who might need to evade obtrusive medical procedure and particularly the individuals who may not be ideal possibility for such medical procedures. A pessary could be fitted to be agreeable and in this manner offer a drawn out arrangement. 

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): 

For postmenopausal women, hormone replacement therapy may be advised to enhance the strength and elasticity of the tissues around the pelvis. Estrogen, in particular, could maintain the integrity of the vaginal and pelvic tissues that may prevent or delay the advancement of prolapse. 

Treatment for Surgical Uterine Prolapse 

Often, even the treatments listed above might not be enough and require surgical interventions based on the severity of the prolapse. Fortunately, modern surgery has gained so much advancement that one does not have to worry much about the contraindications against surgery in advance. 

Minimal Invasion Surgery: 

Laparoscopy might be required in some cases wherein lesser invasion is needed, resulting in faster recovery and fewer complications. This operation could correct the weakened pelvic structures or even reset the position of the uterus for a long time for relief. More advanced cases may require surgical options, such as hysterectomy, which involves the removal of the uterus or uterine suspension to reposition the uterus to its normal anatomical location and bring lasting relief from symptoms.


Womanaari provides facilities through which Dr. Talakere Usha Kiran can care about the problem of uterine prolapse treatment. She treats every individual with the overall treatment. From non-surgical interventions to surgical procedures, you will get something that best suits your current medical needs to regain comfort and a healthy quality of life.

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